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A.Vogel Sinuforce Dry Nose Nasal Spray

A.Vogel Sinuforce Dry Nose Nasal Spray

  • Moisturises and soothes dry nasal passages
  • Softens mucus crust to facilitate removal
  • Supports healthy nasal mucosa to help prevent nose bleeds
  • A.Vogel Sinuforce Dry Nose Nasal Spray contains moisturising and soothing ingredients to help dry nasal passages and mucus crusts.
    It forms a protective layer over the affected nasal tissues and binds moisture, helping to prevent dehydration.
  • 15ml Spray


    Sodium hyaluronate, sodium dihydrogen phosphate dihydrate, disodium hydrogen phosphate dodecahydrate, sodium chloride, Chamomilla recutita (Chamomile) aroma, water.

    Dosage of Sinuforce Nasal Spray

    Children (2-12 years): 
    Spray once into each nostril, 1-2 times a day for a period not exceeding 30 days.

    Spray once or twice into each nostril, 3-5 times daily for a period not exceeding 30 days.

    This product is not suitable for children under 2 years old.


    Holding the bottle upright, remove the plastic cap and insert the nozzle into the nostril.Depress the pump by placing the fingers on either side of the nozzle.

    Note: It may be necessary to prime the pump before use by depressing the spray mechanism once or twice until a fine spray appears.

What if you are not completely happy with your order?

If you want to cancel your order after your purchase we can offer a full refund (as long as your order hasn't shipped yet). If you have received your order we can offer a refund within 30 days as long as you have not opened it. You can visit our full returns policy here

Delivery Times

We offer different options to suit your budget:

  • Standard shipping - delivery in 2 to 5 business days

  • Premium Shipping - 1 to 2 business days

  • Free delivery to W4 (Chiswick) and NW4 (Hendon) postcodes

We care about the environment

Yes, we do. We try to reduce single-use plastics as much as possible when we ship your order. We will either use brown paper or a box to package your order. When we have to use bubble wrap in order to keep your items safe we make sure to reuse bubble wrap to reduce waste. We are always trying to reduce our waste and would love to hear your suggestions on how we could improve!

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